Chase Bliss Audio and Empress Effects team for new small batch collaboration

Reverse Mode C will be available for pre-order until the end of August.

Chase Bliss Audio have revealed their plans for a new effects pedal named Reverse Mode C. Designed in collaboration with Empress Effects, the newly announced pedal is a multidirectional delay unit inspired by the aforementioned’s now discontinued Superdelay pedal.

Reverse Mode C features three different echo voices including forward, reverse and reverse octave that users are able to isolate or blend through use of the pedal’s balance pot. Further features of the pedal include modulation capabilities spanning upwards and downwards frequency shifting, vibrato, tremolo and chorus, a built-in sequencer and true stereo in and out.

Reverse Mode C also marks the inaugural product to release under Chase Bliss Audio’s new ‘Small Batch Bliss’ business concept, wherein special edition releases will be available on a made-to-order basis for a limited time. Pre-orders for the Reverse Mode C will remain open until the end of August with purchases expected to ship between October and November.

See Reverse Mode C in action below.

Reverse Mode C is priced at $399/£399 and available to pre-order now from the Chase Bliss Audio website.

Words by Sam Wilkinson.

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