Ada, BIG|BRAVE and Godspeed You! Black Emperor members convene for collaborative album

The group’s inaugural NO MORE APOCALYPSE FATHER arrives in September.

We Are Winter’s Blue And Radiant Children have announced the release of their debut album.

A newly emerged quartet comprising instrumentalists known for their individual outputs within Ada, BIG|BRAVE, Godspeed You! Black Emperor and Thee Silver Mt. Zion, We Are Winter’s Blue And Radiant Children was initially conceived as a collaboration between Mathieu Ball and Efrim Manuel Menuck before later drawing on the recruitment of Jonathan Downs and Patch One to further shape its creative ideas forged through a sound palette of guitars, synthesizers and voice.

Onboarded to the roster of prestigious Canadian imprint Constellation Records for the release of their inaugural full-length album, the group’s NO MORE APOCALYPSE FATHER was recorded at fabled Montréal studio facility Hotel2Tango in 2023 and is scheduled for arrival on September 13th, preceded by its titular lead single.

Menuck shares of the album’s themes

“We’re honoring that idea of winter, when you come inside and your house is warm, a place that only exists because of how cold it is outside.”

A landscape of towering and distortion-swathed dynamics wholly befitting of its newfound home within the Constellation Records camp, hear lead single ‘No More Apocalypse Father’ in advance and view the track list for NO MORE APOCALYPSE FATHER below.


1 ‘Rats and Roses’
2 ‘Tremble Pour Light’
3 ‘No More Apocalypse Father’
4 ‘Uncloudy Days’
5 ‘Dangling Blanket from a Balcony (White Phosphorous)’
6 ‘(Goodnight) White Phosphorous’

NO MORE APOCALYPSE FATHER releases on September 13th via Constellation Records. Pre-order the album on vinyl here.

Words by Sam Wilkinson.

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